When we walked in there were two tables completely full of decorating items. You name it and it was there; star marshmallows, gingerbread marshmallows, icing, sprinkles, m&m's, peanut m&m's, kisses,etc! Mason absolutely LOVED it. I wish that I would have gotten pictures of him decorating the cake. He was eating all the goodies while he was decorating. Here is a picture of the final product!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Cake Decorating
We got invited to our very first Cake Decorating party. As we were leaving for the party we started to explain to Mason what kind of party it was. Mason just laughed and laughed knowing that he was going to get to eat a lot of sugar. We have noticed that he laughs when he gets excited.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Mayor's Christmas Tree Lighting
The Mayor's Christmas tree lighting is a big deal in most cities right? Steve and I were very excited to take Mason to light the tree. I have to say this was one of the funniest events I have ever been to at Lake Lotawana.

They had ornaments for the kids to decorate. Mason absolutely loved this!
We then headed outside for the lighting of the tree. As you can see from the pictures it was light outside when the had the lighting ceremony. It was less then dramatic to say the least. Do you see how huge the tree is? It is so big it needs three supportive 2X4's.
I wish that this picture would have turned out. :(

After the very dramatic tree lighting we headed inside to visit with Santa.
We thought all of the events would be outside so we put lots of layers on. Turns out 90% of the evening was spent inside. :)
Looks like our night ends on a happy note but...
While we were there Mason ate some cookies before we ate dinner. We came home and fed our hungry man. Right after dinner Mason said " Mommy I have a bug in my belly". I thought we should snuggle. Turns out that Grandma is right; eating cookies before dinner does spoil your meal. Poor Mason revisited his cookies and meal on my lap. :(
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Conductor Mason
To say that Mason absolutely loves trains would be an understatement. Steve and I knew that we had to get this kiddo on a train. We thought it would be fun to ride the train down to Warrensburg. Here are some highlights from our day:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Christmas Tree
Mason has been begging us to put up our tree. He asks us at least once a day if we can put our tree up. On Friday his wish was granted.
Can you see the five ornaments hanging from one branch? Can you guess who did that part? He actually did it to two branches but they fell off one.
Look at his serious face. :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Lovin Life
Look at those two! I just love and adore every second that I get to spend with them. They truly make me a better person. I thank God for them every single day! THANK YOU GOD!!!!! 

Steve and Mason are making hot chocolate in the coffee pot!
Here they are making banana ice cream. YUM-O!!!!
Mason has really gotten into helping us. He loves to help us do any and everything!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Pumpkin Carving
So I have not blogged in a while. I wish I had a good excuse but life is just too busy. I have decided I will blog about things that have happened about 2 weeks ago. :) Here are some picture of the boys carving pumpkins. I tried taking pictures of the pumpkins afterwards but they did not turn out. I guess you will have to use your imagination!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
BEST Books
A couple of Sundays ago our Pastor was preaching about families and how we spend our time. It really got me thinking. We pray with Mason but I do not feel like I have been really teaching him about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I stumbled upon the Little Blessing Series. If you have a little one I would HIGHLY recommend these books. Some of the titles include: Who Is God?, God Loves You, Thank You, God, Blessings Everyday and Mason's favorite Birthday Blessings.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Crazy Busy Saturday
We started our Saturday off with an 8 am football game. My nephew Eli had an amazing game. Eli played like a rockstar. Mason did not watch a single second of the game. HE was way too busy playing in the mud.
We then headed off for breakfast. McDonald's was on they way so we just had to eat there. Remember how I said Mason was playing in the mud? I tried to wash his hands but...
Can you see the dirt?
Finally we were off to the ZOO! After seeing the really cool polar bear we went for a train ride. Of course this was Mason's favorite part. :)
As if that were not enough excitement for one day we were then off to Regan's 1st birthday party!! I do not have any pictures from the party but here is Regan.
Isn't she beautiful?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mason Loves Trains
Mason has come to love trains. That is what he mentions when he first wakes up and the last thing he talks about before bed. As we were putting dishes away tonight Mason decided his trains and tracks need to go on the dishwasher. Here is a video of my little train conductor:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
College Friends
This weekend Steve, Mason and I went to St. Louis to see our friends from college. While some of us live here in Kansas City and get together a little more often there are others who do not. We have a couple that lives in Nashville and another couple that lives in St. Louis. So we decided to meet in St. Louis. We all left Friday morning and were there in no time. Friday night we just hung out. Saturday started with breakfast at the Bley's house. We then headed off to Grant's Farm. As we were walking on the trail (to get to Grant's Farm) with 4 strollers and 10 adults we were informed by bicyclists that we were doing it all wrong. We were even told "you are going to kill someone". We endangered our lives and the bicyclists just to find out Grant's Farm was closed for a private event. With 6 disappointed children we headed to the zoo. We got within 5 miles of the zoo and the traffic was at an absolute standstill. After waiting in traffic awhile we gave up and headed back to the Bley's. Greg cooked us the most amazing meal. Steve ate 3 steaks. :) Sunday was not nearly as exciting. We ate breakfast together and then headed home. We had a lot of fun getting together again. It has been 2 years since all of us have been together.
We love and miss them all already!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Grandpa Orville
Friday, September 10, 2010
Jenny and Daniel are BACK!!!!
Steve's sister, Jenny lives in Mexico City, Mexico with her husband and son. We miss her so much! She surprised us this week with the news she was coming home. She got in town on Wednesday and plans to stay until October 2nd.
I cheated and used a picture from their visit in March.
I promise to blog more and use current pictures. :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mama what are those?
Mason's new thing is to point to something and say, "Mama what are those?" When we are in the car I kind of have to guess what he is asking about. Today he asked, "Mama what are those?" We were driving past a nursery so I told him they were green houses. He said, "no plants are green and houses are white."
Saturday, August 21, 2010
TV Head
As summer comes to an end I have not been the best blogger. There is just not enough time in the day. I am trying to soak up all the time with my little man. Today he grabbed the remote and some toys, turned on the tv and got on the couch. He was watching tv and playing with toys. Just looking at him makes me so happy! I ADORE being a mom!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Steve, Mason and I spent this past week in Branson!
Mason enjoyed many bath's in Pop Pop's pool. This was one of Mason's favorite parts of our vacation.
Pop Pop really wanted to take Mason to Ride the Ducks! Mason actually got to drive the duck boat.
I wish I captured their faces when we were going into the water. Grandmother and Mason were so scared.
I will blog more about our trip later!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mason's First Movie
This afternoon we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. Blue Springs movie theater has a movie each week that is only $2 to see.

Mason and the girls!
Mason LOVES his girls! We are so lucky to live so close to them. They did very well watching the movie.
Of course Mason was entertained awhile with snacks!
Birthday Blast
We started off my birthday at Summit Waves with some of my teacher friends.
This area is only for kids 7 and under. Mason and Mommy had a blast!
From there we headed to Charming Charlie's. It is a pretty cool store. They have watches, purses, shoes, dresses, shirts, (well you get the idea) in any color that you could imagine. We had fun trying lots of stuff on. Mason would walk up to something and say "pretty, right Mama". He would also say "oh that cute".
From there we went to lunch at Chik Fil A. Have you ever noticed that they have Christian music playing in the background? I love supporting places like that. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures. :(
We then took Mason to stay that night at Grandmother and Pop Pop's house so Steve and I could have some adult time. Mason ADORES them. He loves going over there.
Steve and I came back and headed out on the boat. It was getting kind of hot so we went to the bar at the Marina Grog and Galley. We grab a bite to eat and had a few drinks. If you have never been before you should go. It is such a unique place.
After hanging out on the lake eating and drinking a little more. We ended the evening with a slow boat ride home.
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