We love to take family trips to Bass Pro Shop. There are so many fun things to look at we often spend hours in there. Mason's favorite part is the big fish tanks. He would watch it forever if we let him.
Steve was looking for a new fishing pole so Mason and I needed to entertain ourselves for a while. Mason grabbed a fishing pole from the display and took it straight to the "little fish pond".
Too bad this picture is too big and I cannot seem to edit it. You cannot see how cute it is. If you look you can see there are 3 fish that are just waiting by the end of his pole. As soon as he put the end of the pole in they were there. He just loved it.
Steve got the HAWG. It is an AWESOME catfishing pole. Mason loves it just as much as Steve does. Mason did not understand that they could not go fishing right now.
I could not get my real camera out fast enough. I had to take this picture with my cell phone camera. It did not truly capture the moment. It was so cute! I love and adore those two. I am so blessed to get to spend my life with them!