I am officially 33 weeks today! This morning Steve and I created a list of things we need to do to prepare for this blessing. We listed things like wash clothes, get diapers, etc. I then mentioned we should probably decide on a name. This has been a topic of discussion since January when we found out we were having a girl. After Steve and I were married we discussed baby names before we were even pregnant. We both liked Mazy for a girl. When we were pregnant with Mason we did not know if he was a boy or girl. We liked the names Mason and Ty for a boy and Mazy Jo for a girl. Well we all know how that turned out. :)
When we found out we were pregnant with a girl this time I thought it was a given, we would name her Mazy. It was not that easy. Steve was not on board as much as I was with the Mazy. He really liked the name Rosie after his Grandmother Rosalie. I loved Rosalie but did not like Rosalie Jo. The name Jo is a Freeman family tradition. My sister and I have the middle name of Jo. This is after my Aunt Joyce, who is my Mom's sister. Needless to say, Steve and I were not on the same page. After many discussions and prayers for guidance to name our daughter we have come to an agreement.
As of right now, our daughter will be named, drum roll please...............