We started off my birthday at Summit Waves with some of my teacher friends.
This area is only for kids 7 and under. Mason and Mommy had a blast!
From there we headed to Charming Charlie's. It is a pretty cool store. They have watches, purses, shoes, dresses, shirts, (well you get the idea) in any color that you could imagine. We had fun trying lots of stuff on. Mason would walk up to something and say "pretty, right Mama". He would also say "oh that cute".
From there we went to lunch at Chik Fil A. Have you ever noticed that they have Christian music playing in the background? I love supporting places like that. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures. :(
We then took Mason to stay that night at Grandmother and Pop Pop's house so Steve and I could have some adult time. Mason ADORES them. He loves going over there.
Steve and I came back and headed out on the boat. It was getting kind of hot so we went to the bar at the Marina Grog and Galley. We grab a bite to eat and had a few drinks. If you have never been before you should go. It is such a unique place.
After hanging out on the lake eating and drinking a little more. We ended the evening with a slow boat ride home.